Monday, October 30, 2006

October 30, 2006



This discussion will be relatively “difficult.” Clearly, some will wonder how this could possibly relate to a “world view.” I can sympathize, and assure you that indeed, it is not necessarily related to anyone’s world view--except mine. What I am trying to do with these discussions is to point out the kind of factors that contribute to a person’s world view. By seeing what influences someone else, each person could expand the perspective for viewing his/her own views, and hopefully to better understand all contributing factors.

[Note: the following summary of information on the holographic qualities of the universe and relevant quotations come from “The Universe as a Hologram” by Michael Talbot, available at various websites on the Internet. See]

In 1982 a French physicist, Alain Aspect and his team “discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn’t matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart.” This relates to what quantum physicists call “non-locality.” This concept and other quantum physics theories were depicted recently in the film entitled What the Bleep Do We Know? This film was puzzling to many, but highly interesting to others to the extent that currently over 75 study groups have developed around the world to explore and discuss the concepts presented in that film. This concept of “non-locality” has possible significant spiritual implications. If we think of God as the “All That Is”--the conscious holographic universe-- then the religious idea of an omnipresent God makes complete sense.

Then University of London physicist David Bohm, along with other theories he developed, such as his “implicate order,” came to believe that the universe is “a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram.” Just what does that imply? I am unable to clearly explain how a hologram works, but most of us have experienced holograms, and there is one basic principle that is vital to our discussion. In general, a hologram is a three-dimensional image created by the use of laser beams. Anyone who has been to the Haunted House at Disney World has seen the holographic “see-through” images dancing like three-dimensional “ghosts.” That is fun, indeed. But the point is that if a holographic image is divided, each tiny snippet will always contain an intact version of the entire original image. In other words, “every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole.”

Now, stay with me on this. Next I need to use an analogy that keeps turning up in books by many different spiritual, and sometimes scientific writers. The analogy uses the human body and its cellular construction to makes its point. Let’s hypothesize that each human being, including the physical body and the soul are a “cell” in the body of “God.” Now we take the analogy in the opposite direction. What do we know about the cells in our body? Medical science seems to be telling us that DNA in each and every cell contains the entire “blueprint” for our body. In other words, our cellular structure acts much like the holographic image. Even the very smallest part contains the pattern for the whole. Now, if the cells contain the blueprint for the “whole,” what can we imagine if we consider each individual human being as a “cell” in the body of God? Once again, the spiritual implications are significant. Did not Jesus tell his disciples to seek the kingdom of God “within”? Hold this idea as you continue to read the following paragraphs.

Given the new theories from quantum physics that the Universe (GOD) is a hologram, then each part of the universe, down to its smallest part (sub-atomic particles) contains the “whole.” David Bohm argues, moreover, that “at some deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something.” To take the argument further, this means that “at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected.” We will come back to tying all these things together as we progress through our discussions. But meantime, try to just follow the gist of the main points here. Clearly, this all has metaphysical, spiritual implications. For example, if everything in the universe, down to the smallest particle (sub-atomic) is part of a holographic universe, we could theorize that the “superhologram” is the “matrix that has given birth to everything in our universe.” Now we are getting into theories of creation and God that are very different from what science has postulated in previous centuries, and a scientific way of stating something quite similar to the Bible's creation story.

All of the discoveries of quantum physics offer multiple potentialities that help me comprehend (to at least a small degree) the great mysteries of the universe. Many people are able to just accept these mysteries on faith. Admittedly, we all have to do that to some extent. Even the Dalai Lama, a very spiritually oriented individual, has written that we just have to accept that there are many things in the world that we can never understand.

Nevertheless, for me and for some other people, these new insights make significant connections for us that supplement our belief systems, our “faith,” in ways that confirm, expand, or support various teachings. Ultimately, one’s belief system is just the underlying framework that structures how we live our lives.
After all, the Bible also says, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Therefore, the ultimate goal is to live in such a way as to express one’s beliefs, or world view, in the most positive way possible. So our next goal is to make connections between all this “scientific” data and how that could affect how we live and how we treat others.

[My apology to readers if all or some of the above discussion is hard to follow or feels “incomplete.” It is important to remember that entire books have been written on the subjects. I am trying here to summarize them as simply as possible.]

Other references for this topic:
The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot (Harper Collins, 1991).
Holographic Paradigm by Ken Wilbur, Ph.D. (1982)


Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

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11:33 AM  
Blogger Seven Star Hand said...

Hello Gayl,

Interesting post. Other books you'll like if you haven't already read them are: The Essential David Bohm editied by Lee Nichols and Wholesness and the Implicate Order by David Bohm. Though I am heavily focused on other topics, I have published some insights throughout my book and articles that you might find enlightening.

I'll publish another book and blog in the near future that specifically focuses on reconciling ancient wisdom with quantum physics and the holographic universe model that will clarify much about thought and existence in a more focused volume. Though ancient wisdom has long been misinterpreted, others have been demonstrating that it alludes to things being observed in the frontiers of physics. It's important to understand though, that these have been allusions and not actual answers.

Religion and Mysticism don't provide answers because they were purposely based on false premises, which flow from the misinterpretation and obfuscations of the ancient symbology used to encode, encapsulate, and model anicent wisdom. I have reverse-engineered most ancient wisdom symbology to verifiably solve many related mysteries and expose many ages-old lies and errors.

I touch on key information in my articles about Armageddon and if you search through the Ebook (its free) for "holographic," "implicate order," "seven hidden dimensions," "four dimensions," "string," and "space time" you'll locate the appropriate discussions.

As I said, I focus heavily on proving the fallacy of religion, money, and politics by demonstrating the truth about ancient wisdom in this first volume. I think it will make a big difference in your understanding of the holographic model and the true nature of this universe and our Creator. There's a lot of material to wade through, but I think you'll greatly appreciate the end result.

Another thing I'll touch on here is the idea that the Creator and the universe are one in the same. That is an incorrect assumption since the universe is a creation that we and the Creator participate in molding and maintaining. As the implicate order and holographic models allude to, this is a universe based on thought and inspirations. It is an eleven-dimension holographically organized reality. The first seven dimensions define and structure the expanded four dimensions of space-time, which is the holographic projection of the information and rules (truth and wisdom)encoded in the seven hidden dimensions.

Sorry I'm hard to reach for now. Hopefully we can talk again in the future. I'll look in on your blog from time to time.


11:35 AM  

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